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Thursday 3 February 2011

5 tips for healing heartbroke

The feelings of helplessness that come with a broken heart can be incredibly unbearable. You may feel like giving up, but this is simply your body trying to stop the pain. While any type of wound takes time to heal, you can still nurture yourself back to health faster when you apply medicine.

1. Detach Yourself From Your Ex -
This is the most important thing you can do. If you keep calling your ex, keep thinking about them or spend all day looking over the pictures of your ex, this isn't going to work. You've got to take yourself away from the source of your pain. The more distant you are from them emotionally, the more distant your pain will become.

2. Keep Yourself Occupied -
An idle mind is a dangerous one when it comes to getting over your ex. This ties into the previous tip. If you're doing nothing and you're not busy, then guess what? I can bet that you'll be thinking about your lover.
This is the best time to start that new project or hobby that you've been dying to do. Change always has effect on your life, and it's up to you if you want it to be a positive or negative impact. If you make a major change to your lifestyle soon after the break up, this will hit your life with change again.

3. Get A Make Over -
 Something ends, something else begins. If your self confidence or self esteem was hurt from the break up, you can give it boost from getting yourself a make over. Get a new stylish haircut. Get a new cologne or perfume. Get a cool new outfit. Get a piercing or tattoo (not of your ex...).
There's a lot you can do with this, and you'll be amazed at how much this helps. I know that it made me feel great.

4. Work Out -
Working out does more than just make your body look great. When you work out, you release "feel good" chemicals throughout your body that make you relaxed. Go to the gym, work out from home, go to martial arts classes or simply start jogging.
Whatever you do, you need the energy from this and you'll be much better off than if you were to sit at home all day, thinking about your lover.

5. Meet New People -
Now that you're single, get out there! Don't fall for the whole "rebound" stuff. Who cares if you're not ready for another relationship? No one is forcing you to get in one!

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